Subject: Buying Property in Mexico Author: Dennis John Peyton DPeyton104 Uploaded By: TheTravler Date: 1/16/1995 File: MexProp.TXT (25984 bytes) Estimated Download Time (25094 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 685 Equipment: Any computer Needs: Any word processor or text reader TEXT FILE A series of four articles extracted from a new book about buying property in Mexico. Includes information about securing title to trust properties in Mexico how escrow works in Mexico and what the different kinds of property there are in Mexico. Also includes a press release about the new book about buying property in Mexico. This is a text file that can be opened with any word processor. It is too large to be opened completely with AOL. After you have downloaded the file, sign off and open your word processor. Select the command for open a file and look for the file MexProp.TXT in the directory where you downloaded it. If you didn't specify a directory/folder for downloading it is probably in your AOL or AOL/Download directory or AOL/Online Downloads folder. This file has been checked for viruses with Disinfectant 3.5. Please note that this is the same information that was uploaded earlier as a .SIT file. It is now one large text file. Downloads of previous version: 144